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To come to one's end

См. также в других словарях:

  • come to a dead end — {v. phr.} To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. * /Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse./ * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to a dead end — {v. phr.} To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. * /Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse./ * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to a sticky end — ► come to a sticky end informal be led by one s own actions to ruin or an unpleasant death. Main Entry: ↑sticky …   English terms dictionary

  • come to a bad end — I see end II come to (or meet) a bad end be led by one s own actions to ruin or an unpleasant death * * * come to a bad end see ↑end, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑bad come to a bad end 1 : t …   Useful english dictionary

  • To come to one's self — Come Come, v. i. [imp. {Came}; p. p. {Come}; p. pr & vb. n. {Coming}.] [OE. cumen, comen, AS. cuman; akin to OS.kuman, D. komen, OHG. queman, G. kommen, Icel. koma, Sw. komma, Dan. komme, Goth. giman, L. venire (gvenire), Gr. ? to go, Skr. gam.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • come\ to\ a\ dead\ end — v. phr. To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse. The factory… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • come to a sticky end — be led by one s own actions to ruin or an unpleasant death. → sticky …   English new terms dictionary

  • End for end — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • come — come, arrive are comparable because both basically mean to get to one point from another more or less distant in space, time, relation, or development. Come (with to)and arrive (with at) are synonyms of reach (see REACH); thus, one comes to or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • End — ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • End bulb — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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